Thursday, 24 July 2014

The heroic gay kiss before the Queen's very eyes (translated from - Der schwule Heldenkuss vor den Augen der Queen
Pictures and videos linked from the source article page - with credits in caption

Even the Queen is amused: the Commonwealth Games – the Olympics of the British Empire – were opened in Glasgow. The show started with a daring number that would have been unthinkable in Sochi.

This scene creates fodder for conversation: John Barrowman kissing a dancer
© Ian Walton/Getty Image

He kissed a man and he liked it: during this Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony, the topic of tolerance and equality for homosexuals was very much present. Performer John Barrowman kissed a dancer during the show and also danced hand in hand with him. The audience found this little interlude entertaining and even the Queen smiled. Yet Barrowman received death threats for his courageous move.

This kiss, in front of the cameras, from the openly gay Scottish actor and singer, has caused indignation in a few countries belonging to the Commonwealth. While same-sex and heterosexual are mostly considered the same in the UK, homosexuality is illegal in 42 of the 53 Commonwealth countries.

Barrowman receives death threats on Twitter

Gay people are especially persecuted in African countries and in the Caribbean, but also in Asian Commonwealth countries. According to the International Gay And Lesbian Organisation (ILGA), homosexuality is punished in Kenya – a country member of the Commonwealth – by a prison sentence ranging from eleven years to a lifetime. The same goes for Jamaica, Malaysia or India (click here for an overview map)

Barrowman received abuse and death threats on Twitter. Tweets such as “he deserves to die”, “he should commit suicide” or “hopefully someone will kill him” are just a few examples of the nasty comments he got. He re-tweeted some of them on his timeline, to show “how bitter and negative some people are”, he wrote.

The kiss that upstaged the Queen 

Barrowman also received a lot of support. “There were a lot of brilliant moments during this opening ceremony, but this new Glasgow Kiss was one of the highlights” wrote a Twitter user. Other wrote “I’m proud today to be Scottish”. Furthermore, the Human Rights organization Amnesty International praised the kiss on Twitter, considering it a milestone towards acceptance and equality. “A big kiss goes out to the 42 of 53 Commonwealth countries where it is a crime to be gay” they twitted.

However, Barrowman’s kiss received its biggest compliment from a CNN Reporter. “It was only fleeting and came amid a Scottish extravaganza of pop performances, dancing teacakes and a giant replica sea monster, but there was no mistaking its message.” praised Paul Gittings. Barrowman didn’t only upstage the iconic Nessie, but also the Queen.

The Jamaican athletes. On the Carribean Islands, gay people are punished by law but lynchings are also quite common.

The gay hero from Glasgow: John Barrowman

Friday, 7 February 2014

John Barrowman's Pledge explanation - 5th Feb - Translation (FR, ES, JP, DE)

[multilingual post]

John has posted a video today explanation the Pledge and how the % of goal works. Since many foreign fans (of course, I got queries mostly from the French ones :) ) were not very clear on that, we've taken the liberty to translate the explanation. We hope this helps.
French translation by yours truly, Spanish translation by Mercedes

John a posté aujourd'hui une vidéo expliquant le Pledge et comment est calculé le % d'avancement. De nombreux fans français n'étaient pas très sûrs du fonctionnement, je me suis donc permise de traduire l'explication, en espérant que ça puisse aider ceux qui se posaient des questions.

Video from John's WhoSay account / Video sur la page WhoSay de John

Link to Pledge page

Thank you Mercedes, Iris, Satoko & Yuki for the translations in your respective languages :D

English transcription
I’m going to be really upfront with you; thank you to those who have pledged already. We are at £60,000, it’s about two thirds of the way there, we need £100,000 in order to make the album […] to do the photo-shoots for the covers, the inside pictures, to make the commercials, and also to do promotional stuff. So, we’re at about 60,000, we need to get to 100,000. Keep pledging, we will let you know when we reach the target; so don’t go by the 230%, because it does not mean we have made twice the amount of money. They got the initial 100, and they keep adding on to that for every new item exclusive that we put up there. I hope you understand, so keep pledging.

Je vais être tout à fait honnête avec vous… mais tout d’abord, un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont participé au Pledge. On est à présent à environ 60 000 £,  ce qui veut dire qu’on est à deux-tiers du but. 100 000 £ sont nécessaires pour que l’album voit le jour. Ca inclut l’album en lui-même, les séances photo pour les couvertures et le feuillet interne, ainsi que la partie promotionnelle. Continuez le Pledge, nous vous avertirons lorsque le but aura été atteint. Ne vous fiez pas aux 230%, ça ne veut pas dire que nous avons deux fois le montant nécessaire. L’objectif 100% fixé pour la première phase a été atteint, et pour chaque élément exclusif supplémentaire publié sur le site, le montant récolté vient s’ajouter au total existant, incrémentant ainsi le pourcentage.

Voy a ser muy franco con ustedes;  gracias a los que ya se han comprometido. Estamos en £60.000, lo cual corresponde a  dos tercios de lo necesario. Requerimos £100.000 para hacer el disco [...] las sesiones fotográficas para la portada, las imágenes del interior, para la comercialización y, también, para hacer las promociones. En resumen, estamos en 60.000 aproximadamente y necesitamos llegar a 100.000. Sigan contribuyendo, les haremos saber cuando lleguemos a la meta; por lo tanto, no se guíen por el 230%, ya que no quiere decir que hemos alcanzado el doble de la cantidad de dinero necesaria. Ellos tienen el 100% inicial e incrementan el porcentaje por cada nuevo artículo exclusivo que añadimos allí. Espero que lo entiendan; así que, sigan contribuyendo.

こで正直に話します。既にプレッジ企画に参加してくれたファンのみんな有難う。現在、集まった額は£60,000で、目標額の3分の2程に来ています。ア ルバムを作るためには...つまりCDカバーの写真、中の写真、コマーシャル、販促活動等 で£100,000 が必要です。よって現在約£60,000なので£100,000に到達するようにしなければなりません。プレッジし続けてください。目標額に達したら、私 たちは君たちに知らせます。 230%の数字(プレッジのページに表示されている数字)で判断しないでください。これは私たちが2倍の額に達したという意味ではありません。まず第一段 階の準備額100%に達しました。その後、私たちが提供する独占商品が追加される度に、既存の合計に加えられる仕組みです。君たちが理解してくれることを 望みます。よってプレッジし続けてね。

Ich werde absolut ehrlich zu Euch sein, danke an diejenigen, die schon gepledged haben. Wir sind bei etwa £60.000, das sind etwa 2/3 des Weges, wir brauchen £100.000 um das Album zu realisieren, um die Photoshoots zu machen für die Cover, die Innenfotos, um den Werbespot und die Promotion zu machen. Wir sind jetzt bei etwa £60.000 - wir müssen £100.000 erreichen. Pledged weiter. Wir lassen Euch wissen, wenn wir das Ziel erreicht haben. Daher geht nicht nach den 230%, es bedeutet nicht, dass wir den zweifachen Betrag an Geld eingenommen haben. Sie haben die ersten 100% erreicht und nun adden sie weitere % für jedes neue Exclusive das wir dort posten. Ich hoffe, Ihr versteht das. Daher hört nicht auf zu pledgen.


Personal note from blog's author: John was clear on this, if you can't afford any exclusive - and not everybody can - go for the £8 basic Pledge. It's like pre-ordering the album and it's the best way to support :) Word of mouth plays a vital role as well, so spread the word :)

Note personnelle aux français mais pas qu'eux: John a bien insisté, ce qui lancera l'album, c'est le bouche à oreille, et de participer au Pledge. Le Pledge normal, c'est 8£, et c'est le meilleur moyen de contribuer. Les exclusifs ne sont pas à la portée de tout le monde, surtout quand on réside à l'étranger. Participez si vous le pouvez, c'est comme de pré-commander un album, ni plus ni moins :)

Persönliche Anmerkung: John hat es klar ausgedrückt: Wenn Ihr Euch keines der Exclusives leisten könnt - und nicht jeder kann das - nehmt das £8 basic Pledge. Es bedeutet, dass Ihr das Album vorbestellt. Mund zu Mund Propaganda spielt eine wichtige Rolle, daher sagt es weiter!